Unfortunately, we have a wave of posers left about. I take it personally as a compliment, but it is still aggrivating as God knows what. So, this is here to clearify who's who, and who's not. Some of us are kinda... .well, not real! But more of that below. Read on peoples!

(Outer lines = TWO Lower Case L's. Inside = EYES and VEES and EXES)

lIlXemnas: Real - Jin

lIIlXigbar: Real - Ronan

lIIIlXaldin: Real - Ronan/Arme

lIVlVexen: Real - Sieghart

lVlLexaeus: Real - Ronan/Arme

lVIlZexion: Real - Lass/Sieg

lVIIlSaix: Real - Lass

lVIIIlAxel: Real - Sieghart/Lire

lIXlDemyx: Real - Elesis/Arme

lXlLuxord: *This name has been taken from us in some point of time. We are NOT affiliated*

lXIlMarluxia: Real - Lass

lXIIlLarxene: Real - Siegheart

lXIIIlRoxas: VERY REAL - Lass

lXIVlXion: *This member has left the guild and has given us the name back. However, our Xion situation is very....odd. More info on that later*


Aside from the intial 13, or 14, we have the names of some other members who are floating about. These are special members who have the names of the Organization Members PRIOR to turning all... well, dead and bad guy-ish. Their special names do NOT reflect skill level in the guild however. Our Numbers do not as well. I will say this again.... and again.... and again.... until EVERYONE understands. Dont worry my duckies. However, I will only say the names taken so far from this list. The smarter ones here reading will find out the names left up for grabs, and try and get a spot with us as soon as possible.

(Same L and EX and EYE and VEE thing as above)

lIVlEven: Special - Jin

lVlAeleus: Special - Sieghart

lVIlIenzo: Special - Sieghart

lVIIIlLea: Special - Sieghart

lXIIIlSora: Special - Ronan

lXIIIlRiku: Special - Amy/Ronan

So that just about covers our current members, I'll try and keep tabs on em long enough for you guys to know who's here to fight ya and when. Just come to me and I'll make sure you get your answers.~